Ontario Screen Systems Inc.

Interim Place – Closing the door on abuse, opening the door to hope

Interim Place – Closing the door on abuse, opening the door to hope

July 31, 2013

One of the causes close to our hearts here at Ontario Screen Systems is Interim Place, a women-centered, anti-racist, anti-oppressive, non-profit facility that’s been providing shelter, support and counseling to abused women and their children in the Peel region for over 30 years.

We’ve been proud supporters of Interim Place since 2006. Not only is it a truly worthwhile cause that’s making a difference in the lives of vulnerable women and children, but it’s also a locally-based organization, which means the impact that it has can be felt right here in our community.  It’s women helping women and Ontario Screen Systems believes this is one of the most powerful ways to bring about positive change for all of us.

Since 1981, Interim Place has assisted more than 36,000 women and children by helping them find a safe place to call home, where they could heal, rebuild and, hopefully, start new lives free of abuse. All of their programs and services are provided free of charge and are completely confidential.

In addition to temporary living quarters, victims of domestic abuse are also offered crisis support and counseling services, safety planning, information and referral assistance, employment training and education, advocacy and support with legal matters, recreational and education programs, and practical assistance with obtaining food, clothing, healthcare and daycare.

The numbers surrounding domestic abuse are staggering:

  • Over half of Canadian women report having experienced at least one incident of physical or sexual violence since the age of 16;
  • 74 per cent of women in Ontario shelters were there to escape abuse of a current or former spouse or partner;
  • 65 per cent of women reported psychological abuse, 55 per cent physical abuse and 25 per cent said they sought help in a shelter to protect their children from witnessing the abuse.

It’s important to note that domestic abuse isn’t just about the physical or sexual aspects. Domestic abuse can take many forms: psychological, financial, verbal – even spiritual.

To help offset their operating costs, Interim Place holds a number of fundraisers throughout the year and Ontario Screen Systems has been proud to sponsor, donate and get involved in whatever capacity we can. The organization has worked hard to raise its profile in the community. At their annual spring gala, past guest speakers have included Erin Brockovich and Jane Fonda. Their recent walk brought in more than 150 people and event organizers tell us they were targeting $30,000 for a fundraising goal.

It sounds like a lot of money but we all know that our dollars don’t go as far as they used to. So until women and their families can live without fear of abuse or violence, Ontario Screen Systems will continue to support Interim Place and the work that they do.


To find out more about Interim Place, visit www.interimplace.com .

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